Fragmented: Yeni Mao

Understanding Yeni Mao's sculptural practice is understanding that transformation sits at the center — whether it's transformation of the body, material, mind, objects, or one's disposition to their environment.

Tethered to this interest in transformation are explorations of otherness, the impermanence of material, transnational identities, and issues of fragmentation through assemblages. Though the most straightforward understanding may be when Mao told me, "I just want to find alternative ways of being" — an objective he's held throughout his career.     


During this year's Frieze Art Fair in Los Angeles, running February 29 through March 3, the Chinese-American artist is set to debut "Freemartins" with Make Room Los Angeles, a collection of seven sculptures made of industrialized and natural material, such as steel armatures interspersed with leather, ceramic, aluminum, and volcanic rock. In addition, the Mexico City-based artist will have two felt wall works on display, created in 2017. "Freemartins" is also a part of this year's Focus section, curated by Essence Harden, stringing together 12 young galleries and across-discipline artists, exploring ideas of ecology. 

23 February 2024