Art Spiel Picks: Los Angeles Summer Group Exhibitions

August in LA may be the hottest month of the year, but definitely not so hot for the art scene.
In an intimate exhibition, I Go to Seek a Great Perhaps, unites mostly small works by young contemporary and iconic historical artists. While lacking an overt visual theme, the exhibition is bound by the immediate visual impact of each piece. Many works present an intriguing, often perplexing first impression tinged with an innate strangeness. Such are Analia Saban’s woven gradients where paint intertwines with thread, or Shana Hoehn’s boat with mushroom-like inner folds, uneasy-looking figurehead, and a twisted mast. Just as thematic threads seem to emerge, the next work surprises with an unexpected juxtaposition. Gradually, a network of subtle connections emerges, defying easy categorization by color, material, or subject matter. Each small work offers a glimpse into a larger artistic universe, hinting at the artist’s broader practice and prompting further exploration. These disparate threads, tied together through spatial interaction, evoke a sense of anticipation: perhaps there’s something more here? Perhaps some new grounds are being mapped by these threads? A feeling of “perhaps” pervades the exhibition, suggesting that new meanings might unfold given some patience and curiosity.
14 August 2024