Xin Liu

Slow Factory: The Revolution is a School at MoMA PS1 January 22 - April 23, 2022

Xin Liu’s work Orbit Weaver will be entering MoMA PS1 this January 22nd as part of Slow Factory: The Revolution is a School.


From deep sea to deep space, an ocean creature Mollastica is part of the @theslowfactory revolution. Made with Parley’s ocean plastic® yarn, the molluscs costume of Mollastica “swallows” strips of cloth plastic. Here is her story:


Impenetrable darkness, extreme pressure, cold water, and disorienting equilibrium. Deep sea creatures live in a world that is closer to outer space than Earth's land.


We shall listen to the callings from the ocean floor, as the legends tell our reverence to the deep. Everything from the past and the past-to-be falls to the ocean floor. The world of the deep swallows and transforms all: organism, lava, plastic.


If we mistake the deep ocean for empty, it is only because its fullness is just beyond the limits of our eyes. Home is a thin membrane above sea level and under atmosphere. When we fly into space or dive to the ocean floor, the fabric of spacetime folds us into one darkness. Where ocean and outer space connect, we meet Mollastica.


Slow Factory transforms Homeroom into a site of collective learning and co-creation at the intersection of climate justice, social equity, and regenerative design through their evolving presentation, The Revolution is a School. The presentation will feature video, printed ephemera, installation, and a workshop series, all of which invite interaction and collaboration from visitors. Slow Factory’s digital presentation is complemented by two projects that explore materiality and sustainability.

For more info, visit

14 January 2022