Xin Liu

"Wandering Mind" by slow immediate (Xin Liu and Gershon Dublon) to be featured as part of the MAXlive 2021: The Neuroverse festival

Xin Liu and Gershon Dublon, as slow immediate, will present their performance work "Wandering Mind" at MAXlive 2021: The Neuroverse. Produced in collaboration with New York Live Arts, in locations including Live Arts, New Inc’s ONX Studio for Extended Reality, and the Invisible Dog Art Center, The Neuroverse features performances, installations, and lectures employing the very technologies they consider. 


"Wandering Mind" draws its source material from a global repository of more than 50,000 user-submitted field recordings called Radio Aporee, chopping and reassembling them into one continuous journey. As slow immediate navigate the universe, their software mixes the short bits of sound they encounter into a continuously evolving soundscape. The audience is invited to come along with slow immediate on this wandering journey.

5 November 2021