Xin Liu

"The Ground is Falling" at Aranya Art Center, Qinhuangdao

Aranya Art Center will play host to Xin Liu's solo exhibition, The Ground is Falling. Curated by Iris Long, the show will be on view September 26, 2021–January 6, 2022. 


"Within this exhibition, Liu retains her usual working methods developed around mapping, modeling, and precision instruments, and also constructs three narrative threads that run through the exhibition space: a potato seed that was transported to the International Space Station via manned space flight, an anonymous “white stone” from the sky, and a series of satellite signals radiating between the Earth’s orbit and surface. They all seem to be in motion: the instruments are rotating, the potato is sprouting, and the fallen object is rumbling. The pieces of technology, plants, debris, soil, shadows, and humans that appear in the exhibition seem to be governed by an unspoken, overarching rule, regardless of whether this can be called “the cosmos.” This invisible, overarching energy has more primitive associations and unfolds in a spiral circumscribing the exhibition’s verticality."

-Iris Long

8 October 2021