Xin Liu

Artist Talk at NYU ITP


Join us for an artist talk on February 15! We are excited to introduce Xin Liu, the Arts Curator in Space Exploration Initiative in MIT Media Lab and a member of New INC in New Museum. She just opened her solo show A Falling Tooth at The Museum of Arts and Design (MAD). She will present her art practice and artist life.



We May Be All Alone.

In 1990, from 6 million kilometers away, Voyager 1 took a snapshot of our existence in the universe: a pale blue dot. In it, we saw the loneliness and impermanence of our species, a realization that continues to sustain a thriving, resonating call for the future.

This sense of profound isolation has always shaped our perception of our planetary condition and our understanding of ourselves. What are the human experiences and perceptions of our planetary condition in relation to the vastness? Even if we can seize phenomena and enumerate them, can we, for all that comprehend the world? Gazing both inward and out into the orbit, Xin Liu offers a series of self-portraits that align and reposition her experiences with(in) imperceptible and incessant cosmic existences.


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9 February 2019