Gallerist Emilia Yin Is Making Room for Asian Diasporic Artists in Los Angeles

Emilia Yin featured in Artsy Editorial

It is Emilia Yin’s eighth year in Los Angeles and her fourth since founding Make Room, a gallery that champions artists of the Asian diaspora, along with other underrepresented and emerging artists.


The initial beginnings of Make Room occurred in 2016 when Yin began to notice the apparent lack of Asian diasporic artists exhibiting in L.A. Raised between Hainan, China, and Hong Kong by parents in the cosmetics industry, Yin relocated to Los Angeles to attend undergraduate and, later, graduate school at the University of Southern California. “I started to think of all these great artists that I know and they don’t really get a show,” Yin said in an interview with Artsy. “So, I started a gallery in the beginning of 2018—I was 25.”


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14 April 2022