For the second exhibition of [ROOM] at Make Room Gallery, artist Terence Koh unearths his hidden coffee shop. 


Koh invites guests to participate in his bespoke coffee ceremony in the newly unveiled space. Part surreal cave, part speakeasy, and void of light besides the ambient sun spilling in from the street through a side door. Throughout the day, shifting sunlight brings with it an ever changing inner landscape of textures; earth, moss, and native plants which converge in a serene silence. Once experienced, visitors emerge back onto the glowing sidewalk, senses heightened, coffee in hand.


Drawing inspiration from Gaston Bachelard’s seminal text ‘The Poetics of Space,’ the second and physical iteration of [Room] seeks to engage with the intersection of the confinement of the skin to the body and the transformative dynamics of art within an intimate confined space. This physical interaction of [Room] aligns with Bachelard’s conceptual framework, particularly his exploration of ‘topoanalysis’ and ‘intimate immensity.’ By utilizing an intimate and curated gallery space, [Room] aims to examine how artists articulate and challenge the boundaries of corporeal confinement within their practices. The series will showcase a selection of artists and site specific installations that collectively navigate the nuanced relationship between the human body’s physical limitations and the expressive potential inherent in confined spatial contexts.


The coffee ritual performance schedule will be annouced on instagram 




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